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  Mission & History  


ALA Laurel Girls State is a program in Americanism. The American Legion Auxiliary in CT sponsored the first Laurel Girls State in 1944.  The first Chairman/Director was Lillian Yerrington and it was at a time when WWII was raging.  The economy relied on a female workforce and the “can do” attitude developed.  Since then, the program has grown and thousands of young women have participated. The aim of the program is civic responsibility. Most went on to careers other than politics but there are a few notables such as our current Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz and Sen. Mae Flexer.


ALA Laurel Girls State aims are as follows:

  • To prepare girls of high school age for a world where government touches our lives in many ways.

  • To teach the principles of democracy in a representative form of government.

  • To provide an atmosphere for teaching the duties, privileges, and responsibilities of citizenship.


Interested girls must: 


  • Complete her junior year of high school or be within one month of completion.  Home school applicants must show equivalency.

  • Be a U.S. citizen and reside in the State of Connecticut.

  • Show a willingness to learn about government and citizenship.

  • Have at least a B+ grade point average.

  • Show leadership skills, good moral character

  • Be cooperative, responsible, and eager to participate.

  • ​Be in good health.

  • Must have an interest in civic responsibility or a willingness to learn.

  • Must be willing to pledge allegiance to the flag since the American Legion Auxiliary is a patriotic organization. Prayers will be non-denominational.

  • Attendance is mandatory.



If you feel you are ready to become an ALA Laurel Girls state citizen, contact your guidance counselor and find out how you can apply!


*All references to “women and girls” include gender-expansive individuals.

What is American Legion Auxiliary Laurel Girls State?


ALA Laurel Girls' State is a mythical state whose government functions in the same manner the State of Connecticut.


Most of each day at ALA Laurel Girls State is spent on learning the political process starting with town government and progressing to state government.  The delegate should come pared to spend the week discussing politics and the political process (including media) in the varied forms.  She will be placed in a party, either the Nationalist or Federalist, and expected to participate in campaigning, party platform creation, and bill writing.


While the program has many distinguished speakers in the field of politics, the bulk of time is spent by the girls experiencing the process.  They will elect officials and conduct town or city meetings, debate bills in the House of Representatives or the Senate, and elect state officials.


Laurel Girls State Citizens are some of the best young women Connecticut has to offer.  They each come from a diverse background with different hobbies and experiences.  Our alumnae attend top colleges and universities and find success in a variety of career fields from government, to accounting, to science research, and many more.  Would you like to join our impressive group of citizens, including former Secretary of the State, Susan Byscewicz?  Here's how!


Girls sent to ALA Laurel Girls State must be selected by a sponsoring Unit/Post and meet all the requirements.  The Units may look to the high schools in their area for recommendations, but the final selection is always the Unit's decision.


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